Reasons To Use Trex Decking For Your Project

Why settle for ordinary, when you can have extraordinary. Trex represents everything that’s great about quality decking. We’ll be discussing some of the great benefits you can expect from composite decking and Trex branded Decking.

When you invest in a deck, you want it to last and you don’t want to spend too much time, or money, on maintenance. Ideally, a deck should be good  at  20 to 25 years. While some maintenance is, you want this to be inexpensive, quick, and easy.

Let’s not forget about the importance of good design. Your deck is an outdoor extension to your home. To this end, it must represent your individual style and meet your practical requirements.

This may seem like a tall order. Is there a deck that looks stunning, is durable and doesn’t require endless maintenance? I think Trex Decking meets these requirements and then some.

Keep reading to see why.

Maintenance Costs

According to Home Advisor, the average cost of maintaining a wooden deck is $800 to $2500. Typically, you’d need to stain it regularly, around every 2 – 3 years. Spending anything from $500 to more than a grand every few years will place a serious dent in your budget. Not to mention the time and hassle.
Trex Decking requires basically no maintenance. All you need to do is wash it with soapy water and the deck will look fantastic for years. That will save you a heap of cash in long run.


There can be no real comparison between composite and wooden decks. Wood is susceptible to damage and deterioration from the elements. A good quality composite deck can withstand extreme weather. Sun, rain, and snow can come and go, composite will remain in top condition.
Trex Decking uses top-quality composite materials, arguably the best there is. It has an elegant appearance that remains that way long after other decking materials have withered away. To find out more about composite decking please visit our page Composite Decks

Environmentally Friendly

We all have to be aware of our environmental impact in everything we do. Using recycled, eco-materials is the way of the future and Trex Decking has risen to this challenge with total commitment.
The composite material used to manufacture Trex Decking is made from recycled materials. It is a tough blend of plastic and sawdust, added to 95% woodchips. Ordinarily, these are all waste products.
Trex Decking prevents waste plastic bottles from polluting landfill sites, whilst using wood that is recovered from other manufacturing processes. A perfect win-win situation. You benefit from an incredibly durable and beautiful deck without impacting the environment.


Trex decks are backed by an incredible 25-year warranty. Unlike most others, Trex Decks won’t split, fade, or wear over time. Decades will pass, and your deck will still look as good as the day it was first installed.

Comfortable in Hot Temperatures

When the afternoon sun beats down in summer, plastic and pressure treated decks can become uncomfortably hot. Tests have shown that Trex composite decks don’t conduct heat like the others. It remains easy to walk on, regardless of how hot the weather is.

Insect Resistant

A massive benefit to installing Trex Decking is that it won’t be affected by insects and rot. Wooden decks are notoriously vulnerable to damage from insects and rot which seriously affects the structural integrity of the deck.

Amazing Variety of Choices

Trex decking offers you an extensive range of options to express your unique style. There are 23 colors to choose from. Furthermore, you have a seemingly endless choice of textures, grain, and materials to create a truly customized look for your deck.

What are you waiting for

If you have your mind set on an elegant, yet affordable deck that will stand the test of time, I think it’s quite obvious that Trex Decking is probably your best option. For more information about this quality product and all your stunning design options, contact DecksForLife. These guys are the decking experts and will offer all the advice you need.

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